• San Diego ABOTA welcomes you!
    The San Diego Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates is dedicated to the constitutional vision of equal justice for all Americans and preserving our civil justice system.
    Sunny San Diego
  • CAL-ABOTA Hawaii Conference
    November 6 - 11, 2023
    Click here for more info.
    Maune Kea slide


The Next Summer Party Will Be:

Day: TBD
Dates: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: TBD
Phone: TBD

The previous Summer Party Was A Hit! 'Make America Sound Great Again' Summer Event...THANK YOU!

A huge shout out to Charlie Grebing and Dawn Ducharme for opening up their lovely home for the 2018 SD ABOTA Summer Party this past Saturday! There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes into the summer party, and both Charlie and Dawn went beyond the call of duty in helping us pull off a spectacular evening of food, wine and song. For those interested, the catering company was Brothers Signature Catering & Events. They were great to work with and put in a lot of creative effort to theme our various dinner stations, dessert table and appetizers.

And the band! Rave reviews for Mariner (Rick and Jeff). There was a lot of interest expressed in future gigs for this band -- those interested can contact Rick at fauxfighter@cox.net.

Thank you all who attended!

The San Diego Chapter of the

American Board of Trial Advocates

2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 150
Sacramento, CA 95833

Phone: 916.239.4087
Fax: 916.924.7323